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#geheimnis - (#secret)

From October 12, 2018 to March 12, 2019, the Nemetschek Foundation's nationwide exhibition "Secret - a social phenomenon" will be making a stop at the Museum of Communication Berlin. For this, we have designed an accompanying, innovative workshop program that deepens the topic, in which we will impart media competence from our decades of practical experience as international actors and lecturers in the performing arts (acting and directing). 


Our workshop series "#geheimnis (secret)" continues our artistic cooperation with the Museum für Kommunikation Berlin, which began in 2008. So far, this includes several performances during the Long Night of Museums, live performances with actors accompanying exhibitions over months, classroom training and teambuilding for students, employees and companies. We have cooperated with numerous Berlin schools. 


In this workshop series, which is especially tailored to young exhibition visitors, we offer the opportunity to deepen the theme "Secret - a social phenomenon" accompanying the exhibition, and to bring it into reality together with the young people through playful and practical encounters.


Information for teachers:


The visit of our workshop including the exhibition takes about 2.5 to 3 hours, and is especially suitable for students of the 9th, 10th and 11th grades. We work with the camera individually and in groups on tasks in the areas of media competence, acting, and film and theater direction.


In team-building labs, we will find out how important the secret is in our lives. In innovative think tanks we will develop strategies to protect our secrets together with the students.

As an ensemble, divided into teams, we will explore practical and well-founded burning issues:

What role do secrets play in my life? Do we need secrets, or are they dying out?

How does the secret get along with Facebook & Co., who live from the voluntary publication of our private photos, videos and texts? ("Poetry album vs. Facebook timeline")


Topic Fake News and Secret:

What distinguishes a secret from fake news? What is true, what was staged?

Fake news spreads more and more rapidly in the digital age. How does fake news influence our thinking, how do we want to deal with it? In #geheimnis we will explore with the students their relationship to news in a practical way, by letting them themselves be spread as secret agents via fake news generator and - if possible - by explaining them. Here we practice in common healthy skepticism.


Topic Social Networks and Secret: Become a mysterious Insta-Star.

In short game sequences and interviews in front of the camera, we offer young people the opportunity to feel like a "mysterious social media star" and creatively "spin secrets". We ask: Is there also an "art of concealment", and what is its purpose? What are the advantages of privacy? We want to take a virtual look behind the scenes of the superficially glamorous life as an "influencer", and explore the relationship to the "secret".

The didactic goal is not only a greater self- and group consciousness but also a stronger awareness of socially relevant topics. Does more transparency also mean more democracy? How do secret and transparency, responsibility and morality play together? How do we want to live in the age of self-representation, crypto-currencies, robot technology, big data, algorithms, disinformation, social media bots and conspiracy theories?

We will combine current social topics for the young generation with the possibilities of the performing arts and (museum) education in an innovative way.



Supported by:


1 | 2018 | 2'39" 


In Cooperation with: 

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